Monthly Archives: September 2018

Am I A High Risk Borrower?│I Want To Buy, Now!

I Want To Buy, Now! Are you preparing to purchase a home in the next few months? It seems that when we are not looking, a home just pops up and finds us, at a time when we were not even contemplating making a move. Then, boom!  The rush is on to beat the clock […]

How to Find Out If You Are Affected By Equifax Hack

Equifax - Credit Law Center

Have you been affected by the Equifax hack? On Thursday, Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies announced that hackers had obtained access to company data potentially impacting approximately 143 million U.S. consumers. After the companies recent investigation, Equifax stated that the unauthorized access occurred from mid-May through July 2017. The cybersecurity incident was […]

Ease and E-Commerce│The Pros & Cons of Online Spending

How Would You Like To Communicate? We took a recent survey on our Facebook page asking how users would like to be contacted; via phone call or text/email conversation. The results were not surprising! More than 90% of users voted text and emails. There seems to be a wave of change happening in the way […]

Helping Your Borrowers│A Referral Program For Clients That Don’t Qualify

A Referral Program That Works As a real estate agent or loan officer, are you finding that many of your potential clients are being turned away due to low FICO scores? What are you doing to help them once they are denied? Credit scores are a vital part of the home buying process. So, what […]