How Does A Decrease In Credit Limit Effect Me? Your credit utilization rate is one of the most important factors when it comes to your credit score. Depending on how much of the available balance you use will reflect what kind of borrower you are and can be the deciding factor in a substantial credit […]
Monthly Archives: February 2025
The People Behind The Credit Score At Credit Law Center we fully believe in the people behind the credit scores. A company is only as good as its “Why” and what matters to us most, is our clients. We recognize that bad things happen to great people and wish to help improve individuals buying power, […]
In 2023 it was reported that over 30% of Americans have an account that has recently gone to collections and that the average debt per person is a little over $9,000. Normally, when you hear that an account has gone to collections, you expect phone calls from unknown numbers asking to settle a debt and […]
The Biggest U.S. Banks Find VantageScore 4.0 is a Quantitatively “Better” Credit Score for Mortgages SAN FRANCISCO, OCTOBER 29, 2024 – VantageScore, a leading national credit-scoring company, is the “better” credit score for mortgages according to leading U.S. banks. Recently, third-party research from those banks found that VantageScore 4.0 provides superior risk assessments than traditional credit score models […]
Most all of us have heard of Debt consolidation. But is Debt Consolidation right for you? What type of debt consolidation should one choose? Is Debt Consolidation effective? What are some of the pitfalls of debt consolidation? Guess what, sometimes “life” happens and we need to utilize our credit cards out of necessity. A perfect […]
I remember sitting around a bonfire one cool autumn evening with a few close friends from high school. We had all gone our separate ways after graduation, some of us went to acquire our degrees immediately, others went off to the military and some went to trade schools to prepare themselves for an apprenticeship. As […]