Credit Repair Wichita Kansas


Credit Law Center provides our clients with top notch credit repair services and empowers people to restore their credit. By going through our credit restoration program we help restore peoples credits. We are a credit restoration/credit repair company that will work for you. It is our goal to improve your credit.

Here is a list of services we provide:

Credit Counseling:

Credit repair in Wichita Kansas is the number 1 thing that people are looking at doing when they are needing money for a home, auto, and HELOC loans. We have a program and process that we help to repair credit. Our motto is: You won’t pay, until it goes away – there is no setup fee for your credit repair services.

Credit Restoration:

Credit counseling is something we provide to help people with debt and get them back on track when it comes to educating them on debt education and budgeting practices. We do this by setting up goals with you and giving you resources to make sure you stay on track to reach your goals. People refer to this as well as consumer credit counseling.

Credit Repair Services:

Credit restoration is a way to help improve and increase your overall credit score. We help YOU correct mistakes on your credit reports. If there is something on your credit report that is not 100% accurate our credit repair attorneys in Wichita help to fix these inaccuracies.