How Long Is This Going To Take? Credit repair seems like a long and tedious process, but have you ever wondered why it takes to long to complete? Many people often look to repair their credit with a specific goal in mind (like taking out a car lone or purchasing a house) it’s important to […]
Author Archives: creditlaw2022
How Long Is This Going To Take? Credit repair seems like a long and tedious process, but have you ever wondered why it takes to long to complete? Many people often look to repair their credit with a specific goal in mind (like taking out a car lone or purchasing a house) it’s important to […]
The Major Questions While working at Credit Law Center and speaking with many of you over social media, I have been asked many questions over the credit repair process. Below I have posted the top questions and my answers to help get you started on the road to better credit! Question #1: “Why […]
The Major Questions While working at Credit Law Center and speaking with many of you over social media, I have been asked many questions over the credit repair process. Below I have posted the top questions and my answers to help get you started on the road to better credit! Question #1: “Why […]
Take a deep dive into the BRRRR process courtesy of FedHome Loan Centers in collaboration with Credit Law Center.
Time For A New Car? Several years ago when I was broken down on the side of the interstate in my 92 Jeep Cherokee I thought to myself “My next car is going to be brand new so I don’t have to deal with this gain!” I new that I would need to finance as […]
Time For A New Car? Several years ago when I was broken down on the side of the interstate in my 92 Jeep Cherokee I thought to myself “My next car is going to be brand new so I don’t have to deal with this gain!” I new that I would need to finance as […]
The 3 Credit Reporting Companies: Equifax, Transunion, and Experian There are three entities that your FICO scores are provided by: Experian, Transunion and Equifax. Each credit bureau reports your scores, which can sometimes vary based on the information they have. Do you wonder why your scores are so different? To ensure that the most accurate […]
The 3 Credit Reporting Companies: Equifax, Transunion, and Experian There are three entities that your FICO scores are provided by: Experian, Transunion and Equifax. Each credit bureau reports your scores, which can sometimes vary based on the information they have. Do you wonder why your scores are so different? To ensure that the most accurate […]
So You’re Saying There’s A Chance? All jokes aside, credit repair is a very serious matter. We have come into contact with many companies that over promise and under deliver when it comes to the services they offer. Have you been teetering back and forth between companies but have been unsure what to ask? Well […]