Author Archives: creditlaw2022

The In’s and Out’s of Medical Debt

What is Considered Medical Debt With there being more than 45 different FICO scores in circulation there is bound to be some variances in how each score is reported. Each debt listed on a report holds different weight; from revolving debt to past due debt, each instance is judged differently across each scoring model when […]

Have You Experienced Identity Theft?

The Federal Trade Commission has stated that reports of identity theft have skyrocketed to record highs in 2020 and have more than tripled over the past three years! In 2019 the total amount of reported cases was around 650,00o while cases in 2020 has  breached 1 million! It is grossly apparent that consumers need to […]

Building Credit Without Cards

Building Up Your Fico Understanding and building credit in a positive way takes discipline and some education. Do you recall being taught in school, how to build your credit scores? Did your teachers let you know how big of a role credit would play in your life as you got older? Honestly, it is probably […]

Closing Credit Cards? How Can It Affect You?

freezing your credit

From a young age we were taught the importance of living debt free. When assessing your personal finance goals, you may find it tempting to close out some of your credit card accounts in an attempt to lower your debt. To many, it may feel good to close out an account that held negative payment […]

Closing Credit Cards? How Can It Affect You?

freezing your credit

From a young age we were taught the importance of living debt free. When assessing your personal finance goals, you may find it tempting to close out some of your credit card accounts in an attempt to lower your debt. To many, it may feel good to close out an account that held negative payment […]

Decrease In Credit Card Limit? What can I do?

How Does A Decrease In Credit Limit Effect Me?  Your credit utilization rate is one of the most important factors when it comes to your credit score. Depending on how much of the available balance you use will reflect what kind of borrower you are and can be the deciding factor in a substantial credit […]

Credit Repair for Veterans


How It Works: Veteran Credit Repair    No matter if you are a member of the armed services or a civilian, almost every lender will require a minimum credit score when accepting financing inquiries. In today’s blog, we will go over how credit works for veterans, observe potential loan options and take a deep dive into repairing your credit!   […]

Recent Updates to VA Loans Everyone Should Know About

Acclimating to New Changes Last year was an interesting year; with the COVID-19 pandemic and the presidential election, everything seemed slightly different. However, not everything that happened last year was negative, with the previous year bringing some significant updates to VA home loans, which have since significantly increased their usage. According to recent data, the […]

What is a Mortgage Credit Score?

Hispanic Father and Sons in Front of a Sold Home For Sale Real E

Buying your first home is a daunting milestone in everyones life and can bring both joy and anxiety when beginning the process. One large source of anxiety comes from the ever looming need of an acceptional credit score to aquire acceptable rates. For those that meet this criteria as displayed by your credit monitoring service; […]