Leaving Credit Card Debt Behind Credit Card debt is increasing for many American families. According to Experian, most family units with a bank card that consists of over $6,000 in debt. For many, this debt can be hard to manage! Do you keep asking yourself why your debts continue to pile up with little to […]
Category Archives: Building Credit
Student loans seem to be on almost everyone’s credit reports. They can positively impact your credit scores if you are consistent with your payments and aware of what is happening with your loan. As with any bill or loan you take out, it is extremely important to your credit score as well because it can […]
Building Up Your Fico Understanding and building credit in a positive way takes discipline and some education. Do you recall being taught in school, how to build your credit scores? Did your teachers let you know how big of a role credit would play in your life as you got older? Honestly, it is probably […]
Buying your first home is a daunting milestone in everyones life and can bring both joy and anxiety when beginning the process. One large source of anxiety comes from the ever looming need of an acceptional credit score to aquire acceptable rates. For those that meet this criteria as displayed by your credit monitoring service; […]
I Have No Credit History! “I’ll just pay cash for everything.” I have said many things in my life with the best of intention, but this had to be the one that hurt the most when it failed. When I was younger, like most people out there, I saw credit as a trap to get […]
How Do Negative Items Affect Me? Negative items on your credit report could be what separates you from that home loan you hoped for or a decent financing for a vehicle. The good news is that if you happen to have these negative items on your credit report, there are still wats to mitigate their […]
has almost been a full year since we heard the phrase “Two weeks to slow the flatten the curve” and the effects of the current pandemic had reached everyones lives in one way or another. For many Americans, this past year has tested the metal of their financial practices; providing questions without answer to their […]
Credit Alerts Worth Setting Up Now In order to maintain great credit scores, keeping track of all the activity on your accounts is key! Smart phones are attempting to make our lives easier with a multitude of applications. All major banking institutions now have online banking or apps to make life easier on their customers. […]
Good, Better, Best and Bad The internet and cell phones have now made it easier than ever to check your credit score as often as you’d like. Millennials are starting to check their credit scores more frequently than any other generation. This could be due to the fact that credit has become vital in many […]