Category Archives: Credit Cards

The New Word Is Yes│A Credit Card Company Ready To Work For You

student credit builidng

The New Word Is Yes Little to no credit history can make it hard or near impossible for students that are applying for student loans or other lines of credit to start progressing. Many institutions turn students away because they don’t already have credit established. But how can you establish credit, when you continue to […]

Credit Cards For College Age Students│5 Back To School Basics

Credit Cards for College Students

Back To School For College Students Is your college student packed up and ready to start a new chapter already? At some point as a parent, you have probably discussed the do’s and dont’s during the first year when your student is ready to take off and start a new chapter on their own. You […]

Protecting Your Credit When Natural Disasters Hits

Credit Card and Natural Disaster

In recent weeks the United States has been hit with several natural disasters, leaving Americans uprooted from their homes and their employment. Texas and Florida are dealing with the aftermath of flood and rain waters from Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, while the Western United States is dealing with the complete opposite dry and extreme […]

“Credit Invisible and the “Catch-22” – Credit Law Center

Credit Invisible and the Catch-22

Establishing good credit in this day and age plays a significant role in becoming financially secure. However, there are still 26 million Americans that are still “credit invisible” under the traditional FICO scoring model.If you are one of the 26 million Americans that are “credit invisible” you may already know the challenges that this credit […]

Tips to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster- Credit Law Center

Pay off Credit Card Debt Faster- Credit Law Center

Carrying credit card debt isn’t uncommon for Americans, according to a recent report by ValuePenguin, Inc 38.1% of Americans carry some credit card balance. When it comes to paying off credit card debt, one recurrent question is how to pay it off the faster. Every household has their unique financial situation and personal goal, so […]

Should I Close My Credit Card?

Managing your credit card and finances with your credit can sometimes be a little tricky. At Credit Law Center, we often see clients close old credit cards because they have a higher interest rate, where this can make financial sense it isn’t always the best thing for your credit scores. When determining whether or not you […]