Credit Score After A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Credit Score After A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

How do I improve my credit score after a chapter 13 bankruptcy?

After you have completed all of your obligations for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and it is now time to move on and one of the first questions you many want answered is what do I do to improve my credit score after a chapter 13 bankruptcy.   Getting your ideal credit score after a chapter 13 bankruptcy can seem like an impossible, very large, up hill battle that could feel like you may never accomplish.  The reality of the situation is that you can rebuild your credit score after a chapter 13 bankruptcy and if you are focused and diligent you could accomplish this relatively quickly.

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Many banks and credit unions offer credit establishment programs that work well for consumers that are rebuilding their credit scores after a chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Many of these programs required little to no money commitments upfront and in most cases they do not pull your credit or take your credit score into consideration when determining if these programs are a good fit for you so there is no fear of a decline.

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Our professionals at Credit Law Center typically recommend that you ask your bank or credit union what programs they offer first, if they do not have any programs that fit your needs then we do have access to many options.  The web site offers a few options as well.

Building your credit score after a chapter 13 bankruptcy does take a commitment from you and a little time but in most cases you can start the process as soon as the bankruptcy is discharged.  Always remember that there are many professionals that want to assist you in obtaining your financial goals and this is just a step in the process of making your goals your reality.

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