The Pros Of The “New Consumer”
Are there some products you are okay with buying online as opposed to others? Science says that for some people, purchasing an unfamiliar product they feel is more comfortable to buy in person. Have you gone to the store to try a new product, only to return it again a few days later? This proves the point that we will continue to buy familiar products over and over again. For those that do quite a bit of shopping online, they most likely stick to the same brands and services they have come to know and trust because they know the likelihood of having to return it is slim. That among the convenience of buying online makes the e-commerce option seem more appealing.
For Businesses, the pros are as follows:
- Customer Loyalty
- Brand Recognition
- Repeat Customers
- Customer Reviews/Satisfaction
Many of these pros play a very important role in the customer experience! For an online consumer, there is no long lines, and annoying check out attendant, just a basket of items to add and one click to check out. If the user experience is quick, easy and a great product, you better believe they will share it with all their friends (Facebook “friends” too).