How Does A Decrease In Credit Limit Effect Me? Your credit utilization rate is one of the most important factors when it comes to your credit score. Depending on how much of the available balance you use will reflect what kind of borrower you are and can be the deciding factor in a substantial credit […]
Tag Archives: credit cards
Most all of us have heard of Debt consolidation. But is Debt Consolidation right for you? What type of debt consolidation should one choose? Is Debt Consolidation effective? What are some of the pitfalls of debt consolidation? Guess what, sometimes “life” happens and we need to utilize our credit cards out of necessity. A perfect […]
I remember sitting around a bonfire one cool autumn evening with a few close friends from high school. We had all gone our separate ways after graduation, some of us went to acquire our degrees immediately, others went off to the military and some went to trade schools to prepare themselves for an apprenticeship. As […]
Good, Better, Best and Bad The internet and cell phones have now made it easier than ever to check your credit score as often as you’d like. Millennials are starting to check their credit scores more frequently than any other generation. This could be due to the fact that credit has become vital in many […]
Now that the new year is upon us, it is time to start on our resolutions for the year. My group of friends all discussed what we wanted to work on this year to better ourselves and the lives we live as we sat painting miniature figurines. A couple of us are looking to hit […]
It’s happened to me. It’s happened to thousands of people. You go to look for your wallet and it’s nowhere to be found. In my case, the thief was only after the cash. All of my credit cards, Driver’s License, and the rest of my belongings were untouched. A city bus driver found it when […]
I remember sitting around a bonfire one cool autumn evening with a few close friends from high school. We had all gone our separate ways after graduation, some of us went to acquire our degrees immediately, others went off to the military and some went to trade schools to prepare themselves for an apprenticeship. As […]
The cost of bad credit can be very expensive. It can lead to higher interest rates on loans, higher insurance premiums, difficulty getting approved for housing, and difficulty getting approved for employment. The cost of bad credit can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the severity of the credit situation. The fastest […]
How Could You Be Hurting Your Credit? The more you know about how credit works, the better your score will be. This is because, without a lot of background knowledge, your own logic and reasoning will oftentimes fail you. There are a lot of factors that go into creating your credit score, so trying to […]
How Does A Decrease In Credit Limit Effect Me? Your credit utilization rate is one of the most important factors when it comes to your credit score. Depending on how much of the available balance you use will reflect what kind of borrower you are and can be the deciding factor in a substantial credit […]