Do you hesitate to open your credit card statements each month, afraid of the debt you may be in? Are your credit cards allowing you to go further and further in debt? It is true paying cash gives a clearer picture of what we have and what we can spend. With credit cards being such […]
Tag Archives: credit cards
In recent weeks the United States has been hit with several natural disasters, leaving Americans uprooted from their homes and their employment. Texas and Florida are dealing with the aftermath of flood and rain waters from Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, while the Western United States is dealing with the complete opposite dry and extreme […]
Carrying credit card debt isn’t uncommon for Americans, according to a recent report by ValuePenguin, Inc 38.1% of Americans carry some credit card balance. When it comes to paying off credit card debt, one recurrent question is how to pay it off the faster. Every household has their unique financial situation and personal goal, so […]