How Could You Be Hurting Your Credit? The more you know about how credit works, the better your score will be. This is because, without a lot of background knowledge, your own logic and reasoning will oftentimes fail you. There are a lot of factors that go into creating your credit score, so trying to […]
Tag Archives: credit limit
In our current economic environment, loan rejections are at record highs! This includes all spectrums of credit. Car loans, Mortgages, credit cards, and credit card limit increases. The current rejection rates for applicants stand at 21.8%. This is the highest rejection rate since June 2018. Those with 680 credit score or below are being hit […]
How Could You Be Hurting Your Credit? The more you know about how credit works, the better your score will be. This is because, without a lot of background knowledge, your own logic and reasoning will oftentimes fail you. There are a lot of factors that go into creating your credit score, so trying to […]
How Could You Be Hurting Your Credit? The more you know about how credit works, the better your score will be. This is because, without a lot of background knowledge, your own logic and reasoning will oftentimes fail you. There are a lot of factors that go into creating your credit score, so trying to […]