When beginning credit repair, many consumers hold high hopes of ending their repair process with a clean report and a high credit score. Removing a few items here and there can really make your positive credit shine through and can give you the push you need to acquire financing; but that may not always […]
Tag Archives: Credit Score
Time For A New Car? Several years ago when I was broken down on the side of the interstate in my 92 Jeep Cherokee I thought to myself “My next car is going to be brand new so I don’t have to deal with this gain!” I knew that I would need to finance as […]
Time For A New Car? Several years ago when I was broken down on the side of the interstate in my 92 Jeep Cherokee I thought to myself “My next car is going to be brand new so I don’t have to deal with this gain!” I knew that I would need to finance as […]
Good, Better, Best and Bad The internet and cell phones have now made it easier than ever to check your credit score as often as you’d like. Millennials are starting to check their credit scores more frequently than any other generation. This could be due to the fact that credit has become vital in many […]
Good, Better, Best and Bad The internet and cell phones have now made it easier than ever to check your credit score as often as you’d like. Millennials are starting to check their credit scores more frequently than any other generation. This could be due to the fact that credit has become vital in many […]
Understanding Your Credit Score Credit has become so essential to most big purchases you as a consumer will have to make, and that can be scary if you do not know how credit works. Credit can be confusing, but the more you can learn and utilize your credit effectively, the better off you will be […]
Understanding Your Credit Score Credit has become so essential to most big purchases you as a consumer will have to make, and that can be scary if you do not know how credit works. Credit can be confusing, but the more you can learn and utilize your credit effectively, the better off you will be […]
Student loans seem to be on almost everyone’s credit reports. They can positively impact your credit scores if you are consistent with your payments and aware of what is happening with your loan. As with any bill or loan you take out, it is extremely important to your credit score as well because it can […]
The Federal Trade Commission has stated that reports of identity theft have skyrocketed to record highs in 2020 and have more than tripled over the past three years! In 2019 the total amount of reported cases was around 650,00o while cases in 2020 has breached 1 million! It is grossly apparent that consumers need to […]
Good, Better, Best and Bad The internet and cell phones have now made it easier than ever to check your credit score as often as you’d like. Millennials are starting to check their credit scores more frequently than any other generation. This could be due to the fact that credit has become vital in many […]