So You’re Saying There’s A Chance? All jokes aside, credit repair is a very serious matter. We have come into contact with many companies that over promise and under deliver when it comes to the services they offer. Have you been teetering back and forth between companies but have been unsure what to ask? Well […]
Tag Archives: credit
Understanding Your Credit Score Credit has become so essential to most big purchases you as a consumer will have to make, and that can be scary if you do not know how credit works. Credit can be confusing, but the more you can learn and utilize your credit effectively, the better off you will be […]
Understanding Your Credit Score Credit has become so essential to most big purchases you as a consumer will have to make, and that can be scary if you do not know how credit works. Credit can be confusing, but the more you can learn and utilize your credit effectively, the better off you will be […]
We love assisting consumers every day and educating them on how they can save money, impact their scores in a positive way, and take action for themselves! Debt negotiation is something most consumers think they could never do! You may be surprised to know that many creditors/collectors will allow a consumer to negotiate with them […]
How Your Score Is Costing You Thousands Back when I graduated high school (a few years after dinosaurs walked the earth) I had absolutely no idea how detrimental my credit score would be to my future purchases. My brother was sitting pretty with a 750 credit score and financed his new car at an extremely […]
How Your Score Is Costing You Thousands Back when I graduated high school (a few years after dinosaurs walked the earth) I had absolutely no idea how detrimental my credit score would be to my future purchases. My brother was sitting pretty with a 750 credit score and financed his new car at an extremely […]
Student loans seem to be on almost everyone’s credit reports. They can positively impact your credit scores if you are consistent with your payments and aware of what is happening with your loan. As with any bill or loan you take out, it is extremely important to your credit score as well because it can […]
What is Considered Medical Debt With there being more than 45 different FICO scores in circulation there is bound to be some variances in how each score is reported. Each debt listed on a report holds different weight; from revolving debt to past due debt, each instance is judged differently across each scoring model when […]
The Federal Trade Commission has stated that reports of identity theft have skyrocketed to record highs in 2020 and have more than tripled over the past three years! In 2019 the total amount of reported cases was around 650,00o while cases in 2020 has breached 1 million! It is grossly apparent that consumers need to […]
Building Up Your Fico Understanding and building credit in a positive way takes discipline and some education. Do you recall being taught in school, how to build your credit scores? Did your teachers let you know how big of a role credit would play in your life as you got older? Honestly, it is probably […]