Tag Archives: credit

Credit Building Without Credit Cards│3 Ways To Build Your Fico

3 ways to build fico

Building Up Your Fico Understanding and building credit in a positive way takes discipline and some education. Do you recall being taught in school, how to build your credit scores? Did your teachers let you know how big of a role credit would play in your life as you got older? Honestly, it is probably […]

A Quick Guide to Your Credit Mix

Your Fix of the Mix We all know the importance of having a good credit score.With a high credit score, you can open to door to better interest rates, loans, benefits and more! Good credit can be the deciding factor in whether or not you get approved to rent a home or get a particular  […]

Is Your Credit Card Company Helping You During the Virus?

credit card debt

  Many businesses have shut down during the coronavirus outbreak, and a lot of people are wondering how they will be able to pay their next, mortgage or credit card payments. This article will help guide you on what you can do and where you need to go to find some help. At the bottom […]

How to Protect Your Credit During 2020

Credit Companies Credit Law Center

Amidst the  COVID-19 outbreak, Americans are struggling in more ways that one. With many people getting sick, countless workers being laid off or seeing their wages hit due to new restrictions and guidelines from social distancing, credit becomes the last thing on anyone’s mind! If you are one of the many Americans that are being […]

Student Loans And Credit Scores│Available Resources For Consumers

student loan resources

Student Loans and Credit Scores Student loans seem to be on almost everyone’s credit reports. They can positively impact your credit scores if you are consistent with your payments and aware of what is happening with your loan. As with any bill or loan you take out, it is extremely important to your credit score […]

What Really Impacts Your Credit Score

Facts on Fico

    I have clients from all over the country asking me how much particular items on their credit report are affecting their credit and if the item is removed, then will their credit score rise. It is difficult to provide a precise answer because there are many underlying factors that can make or break […]

Am I A High Risk Borrower?│I Want To Buy, Now!

I Want To Buy, Now! Are you preparing to purchase a home in the next few months? It seems that when we are not looking, a home just pops up and finds us, at a time when we were not even contemplating making a move. Then, boom!  The rush is on to beat the clock […]

Starting Credit Repair│5 Questions You Should Ask

So You’re Saying There’s A Chance? All jokes aside, credit repair is a very serious matter.  We have come into contact with many companies that over promise and under deliver when it comes to the services they offer. Have you been teetering back and forth between companies but have been unsure what to ask? Well […]

The Average Credit Score for Each State In 2019

Credit Scores across the states

  A Record-Breaking Year   We have seen the highest average credit score ever in 2019 and the numbers keep rising! The U.S. economy is truly booming: Record job growth caused unemployment rates to drop to a record low and the stock market flourished throughout the year. Consumers showed their confidence as they continued to […]