Tag Archives: credit

What Is A Mortgage Score

Buying your first home is a daunting milestone in everyone’s life and can bring both joy and anxiety when beginning the process. One large source of anxiety comes from the ever looming need of an exceptional credit score to aquire acceptable rates. For those that meet this criteria as displayed by your credit monitoring service; […]

The Growing Challenge of Gen Z Credit Card Delinquencies

Debt Begins To Skyrocket Generation Z faces a mounting problem: credit card delinquencies are on the rise, fueled by maxed-out cards and financial inexperience. Born into a digital world of instant gratification, many young adults find themselves overspending, relying on credit to bridge the gap between income and expenses. This trend is exacerbated by a […]

5 Common Mistakes Consumers Make With Their Credit

How Could You Be Hurting Your Credit? The more you know about how credit works, the better your score will be. This is because, without a lot of background knowledge, your own logic and reasoning will oftentimes fail you. There are a lot of factors that go into creating your credit score, so trying to […]

Answers To Your Most Asked Credit Questions

How Do Negative Items Affect Me? Negative items on your credit report could be what separates you from that home loan you hoped for or a decent financing for a vehicle. The good news is that if you happen to have these negative items on your credit report, there are still wats to mitigate their […]

Debt Collection Company Illegal Actions

Why choose a Law Firm for Credit Repair? The fact is, there are many Credit Repair Organizations operating in the US right now. There are many good companies out there that have the best interest for their clients at heart. Then again, there are many who don’t. To be perfectly honest, there is no reason […]

Opting Out: Scams, Junkmail and Marketing Offers

Inboxes full of spam and junk mail, texts coming from unknown numbers alerting you to new investing opportunities, “urgent” mail with pre approved credit and loan offers, and new marketing practices are just some of the annoyances the average consumer must face on the daily. In todays blog, we will go over how to opt […]

Answers To Your Most Asked Credit Questions

How Do Negative Items Affect Me? Negative items on your credit report could be what separates you from that home loan you hoped for or a decent financing for a vehicle. The good news is that if you happen to have these negative items on your credit report, there are still wats to mitigate their […]

Debt Collection Company Illegal Actions

Why choose a Law Firm for Credit Repair? The fact is, there are many Credit Repair Organizations operating in the US right now. There are many good companies out there that have the best interest for their clients at heart. Then again, there are many who don’t. To be perfectly honest, there is no reason […]

Immediate Steps to take if wallet is lost or stolen.

It’s happened to me. It’s happened to thousands of people. You go to look for your wallet and it’s nowhere to be found. In my case, the thief was only after the cash. All of my credit cards, Driver’s License, and the rest of my belongings were untouched. A city bus driver found it when […]

Answers To Your Most Asked Credit Questions

How Do Negative Items Affect Me? Negative items on your credit report could be what separates you from that home loan you hoped for or a decent financing for a vehicle. The good news is that if you happen to have these negative items on your credit report, there are still wats to mitigate their […]