There is a major difference between what a credit repair company can do versus what a law firm specializing in credit repair can. What you may find even more interesting is that a consumer can actually do more than what a credit repair company will. A Law Firm however, trumps all. We have been using the law […]
Tag Archives: credit
It’s happened to me. It’s happened to thousands of people. You go to look for your wallet and it’s nowhere to be found. In my case, the thief was only after the cash. All of my credit cards, Driver’s License, and the rest of my belongings were untouched. A city bus driver found it when […]
Less Than Perfect Credit Scores and Living Situations. Many families deal with tough situations when it comes to rentals and the landlords that come with them. According to the Business Insider, more Americans are renting than at any time in the last 50 years. I can recall a time when I rented a home that had […]
The Federal Trade Commission has stated that reports of identity theft had skyrocketed to record highs in 2020 and continue to to rise in 2022! In 2019 the total amount of reported cases was around 650,00o while cases in 2022 had breached 1.1 million! 2023 is shaping up to have similar results and it is […]
When looking at a credit report, many folks will see collections and charge offs. What’s the difference? Simply put, a Charge Off is a term a lender will use when the consumer has not made the contractually agreed payments. The lender has tried repeatedly to contact the consumer for re-payment with no response. So, the […]
By now, many of you may have heard the buzz phrase “Credit Crunch.” This has been reported in the last few weeks on most all media outlets. Just the sound of that phrase is frightening in today’s economic environment. Interest rates are up, the cost of goods and services have risen, and many may see […]
Why choose a Law Firm for Credit Repair? The fact is, there are many Credit Repair Organizations operating in the US right now. There are many good companies out there that have the best interest for their clients at heart. Then again, there are many who don’t. To be perfectly honest, there is no reason […]
Whether you are looking to diversify your credit portfolio with a new line of credit or are searching for the best benefits from a lender, credit cards are normally the easiest way to do so. When most consumers begin looking for a new credit card, they are bombarded with multiple offers stating that their card […]
I remember sitting around a bonfire one cool autumn evening with a few close friends from high school. We had all gone our separate ways after graduation, some of us went to acquire our degrees immediately, others went off to the military and some went to trade schools to prepare themselves for an apprenticeship. […]
In 2023 it was reported that over 30% of Americans have an account that has recently gone to collections and that the average debt per person is a little over $9,000. Normally, when you hear that an account has gone to collections, you expect phone calls from unknown numbers asking to settle a […]