If you have ever paid a monthly fee for credit repair, let me be the first to tell you that you paid too much. It’s like having a gym membership and going to the gym once or twice a year. In most cases, credit repair companies that charge a monthly fee will take their time by only disputing a few items on one bureau at a time. The longer you are with them, the more money they make. You are also paying those companies for trying to get items removed, there is no guarantee that they can do anything beneficial for your credit. I certainly don’t recommend going with a monthly fee based credit repair company.
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We at Credit Law Center, separate ourselves from the competition by only charging when we get derogatory items deleted. The proof is right on your credit report. We have partnered with automotive & motorcycle dealerships across the country to help their credit denied customers get approved for the car or motorcycle of their dreams. Real estate agents, mortgage lenders, and bankers across the country view us as a key asset for turning their denials into approvals. Our goal is the same as theirs, get their clients’ credit fixed as fast as possible.